Living authentically not only enhances an individual, but it also contributes to the successes of one’s life. Hurwitz follows this approach by not only understanding his patient’s aesthetic problem but also their motives, and then informing what is needed to be done to achieve the best result. By providing the most authentic operative plan with associated risks, he offers his patients honesty gleaned from years of experience. That approach doesn’t eliminate patient disappointment, but at least the patient is prepared.

As a seasoned expert, Hurwitz passionately states, “On the rare occasion a distressing issue, or complication follows an operation, I have previously urged the patient to stick with me and solve any post-operative problem rather than seek a solution from another plastic surgeon. It is best to deal with adversity together, as I am most likely to efficiently provide the solution.”

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To continue exploring the uniqueness that is Dr. Dennis Hurwitz, a welcoming of the inevitability of change and innovation gives inspiration to not only develop new techniques and embrace new technologies, but also to accept invitations to teach his discoveries all over the world.

Hurwitz’s passion is twofold. First, his innovations in plastic surgery are powerful because beyond conception, and then validation through fully documented clinical experience, he seeks acceptance through scientific presentations and ultimately manuscript publication in the most prestigious plastic surgery journals. His second passion is sharing, which is to give to those who want to learn as he received when training under the master plastic surgeons four decades ago at the University of Pittsburgh.  He says, “These innovations are exciting and improve my skills. As clinical professor of plastic surgery, I have the wonderful opportunity and privilege to teach Pitt residents and plastic surgeons around the world.” Hurwitz has been invited to teach surgeons and operate on patients all over the United States, as well as France, England, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Germany, China, Mexico, Columbia Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, India, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait.

Innovation is usually inspired by patients who demand a better outcome. “I’m an unusual bird, who listens to his patient’s dissatisfaction with the status quo. I challenge what is out there by not accepting inadequate technique that cannot get the job done.”

The latest significant innovation for Hurwitz is his cutting-edge surgical procedure “Oblique Flankplasty.” As he continues to develop this surgical advance, he is encouraged by experienced surgeons who have praised and adopted his ultimate waist narrowing procedure. To better spread this knowledge on oblique flankplasty and how it integrates into total body lifts, he is organizing online seminars by subscription available all over the world.

In addition to all his achievements and pursuits with plastic surgery, Hurwitz is an avid participant in Pittsburgh’s cultural scene, attending, sports events, lectures, operas and museums. He and his wife travel around the world attending educational seminars and lectures, playing golf, visiting friends, and participating in philanthropy and charity boards.

Dr. Dennis Hurwitz is more than a plastic surgeon, he is a thinker, a loving husband and father, devoted mentor to people from all over the world, an educator, but most importantly a good-hearted man doing his part to help others while also paving a path for the future of plastic surgery.

Many years of reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery has built his legacy of helping others. Who would have thought this one goal would lead to years of accomplishments and positive impact for people all over the world. His hard work and dedication have impacted so many people from around the world. Join us as we look back with Dr. Dennis Hurwitz on his life.

This is Tastes of Pittsburgh PEOPLE – Dr. Dennis Hurwitz.

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On a warm Friday in Pittsburgh, we are sitting inside his office, looking out at the Mon Valley river and steel city Pittsburgh. All while admiring not only the view but the walls filled with certificates of honor and awards given for his hard and excellent work.

The sun fills the room, emulating positive feelings which also reflects Dr. Hurwitz nature and outlook on life.

His story begins in Baltimore Maryland where he was born and raised in an industrial, hardworking town with a loving, motivated family that was already molding him into a focused, ambitious individual. Like any kid, he loved participating in various activities, but little league baseball was his first love. He continued to play baseball through high school, but after he completed Baltimore City College, he knew his one goal of being a successful physician, and that would absorb all his attention until he achieved it.

From early on, Hurwitz knew that he wanted to be involved in the medical field. It wasn’t long before he was enrolled in the University of Maryland Medical School, which sits in the heart of Baltimore. Thriving in medical school, he pursued surgical training at Yale and then Dartmouth, then plastic surgery training at the University Of Pittsburgh. Following a craniofacial fellowship under Dr. Fernando Ortiz-Monasterio in Mexico City, he returned to Pittsburgh to start that specialty care and ultimately lead the University of Pittsburgh Craniofacial Cleft Palate Center.

Defining a successful career, what qualities and characteristics do some of the most successful people hold? Hard work, originality, motivation, and passion drive the successful individual. Dr. Hurwitz has been driven to give each patient the best and most effective care.

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What are three core values you hold true to yourself?

“Reliability. This is when you say what you can do and do what you can say. You don’t go beyond that. Be able to know what you are capable of doing and make the effort. Sometimes it’s not so easy because things get in the way; equipment breaks, you don’t feel well, but you can’t let those circumstances break the fulfillment of that reliability. I really believe I am Dr. Reliability. If I say I can do it, it will get done and get done the best way possible.”

“Steadfastness. I don’t rest well with mediocrity. I not only try new things, but I try to apply the best skills possible every time. A plastic surgeon is like an actor, no matter how you feel, what’s on your mind, whatever distraction you have, the show must go on. I pride myself on the deep characteristic engrained in me that I don’t let my own limitations or problems detract from my ability to perform the services I want to.”

“Honesty. I pride myself in this because I believe that reliability and steadfastness lead into this value which in turn defines the morale and work ethic I bring to my practice.”

Defining the truth of personal values give a more concrete perception of not only who an individual is but how they function. The values Dr. Hurwitz speaks of directly translate into how he views and takes on his practice as a surgeon and businessman. Here is a lot to say about holding excellence in your core.

Dr. Hurwitz is focused on maintaining his high quality in executing his workday by understanding and choosing what will take his concentration. Day to day, Hurwitz claims “I am blessed with the ability to muster the physical and mental strength to easily and comfortably do the demanding and exaction physical tasks in surgery.” When it comes to his patients, his work, there is one focus and whatever that is, it will get done. There are no alternatives.

Having a focused mindset not only allows him to thrive while performing surgery, but it also feeds into his ability to do hands on teaching at the same time. “I think that makes me the best I can be,” says Hurwitz when he talks about always being aware of his movements while educating and answering questions. As he smiles, “It’s an important part of what I do.”

How do you define love?

“Love is when you think and relate to something or someone in such a caring way that it goes beyond your feelings for yourself. If you love someone, then they take preeminence in your decision making over what you need to do. Love gives a person a chance to an emotional connection that’s deep seeded to give up themselves. That’s how you live your life with love and appreciation for those who love you.”

Hurwitz loves plastic surgery because he loves to help people. The connection between love for his passion and the testimonies of his patients directly identifies his truth in appreciation and work ethic to help change lives. “When people tell me I change their lives for the better,” says Hurwitz, “I spend time to savor the moment.”

What does the word authentic mean to you?

“To be authentic, is to be what you say you are and to live up to your own hype. That also means, watch out what you claim. I live up to my promises, and I do what I say I am going to do. You can have your own opinion, but be wary of being judgmental.”

Living authentically not only enhances an individual, but it shows in the successes of their lives. Hurwitz follows his approach with understanding the motives of his patients and letting them know what is possible. By offering the most authentic approach to a surgery, he is able to offer his patients honest words supported by years of experience. This doesn’t exclude conflict that could arise between Hurwitz and a patient.

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Dr. Hurwitz has been able to share his knowledge and demonstrate his experience through many local and national television shows. Many of which are on YouTube. He recently presented his third plastic surgery case on the national syndicated the Doctors show. He was able to apply a combination of technical strategies and new bipolar radio frequency BodyTite technology to achieve the best results for his assigned patient.

The story was of a young man who developed large amounts of breast tissue, which in turn created a difficult life both physically and mentally during his younger years. After being sought out by one of the members from “The Doctors” team, Dr. Hurwitz gladly accepted the case to help change this young man’s life.

The surgical procedure that was performed is called Correction of Gynecomastia. The task at hand was rather difficult due to the size and excess skin of the patient while also being able to sculpt his body to look as natural and consistent as possible. By using the BodyTite method, Dr. Hurwitz was able to apply radiofrequency energy in a controlled manner to remove the fat and gland, tighten skin and leave tiny scars. Hurwitz successfully completed the procedure, and ultimately paved a new path for this young man to start his life again.

After the completion and recovery from the process, the patient embraced his new body that allowed him to feel confident and free. A life-changing surgery gave this young man a new fulfilled perspective of life. As a result, the patient embraced his new body with love and gratitude.

“Achieving a result that is technically difficult and getting the appreciation from a patient for what you’ve done for them makes a difference,” says Hurwitz, “It has great impact on their lives, and that is what you live for.” These are the moments that make all the work, time and energy worthwhile. This profession is beautiful for the opportunities it provides to people from all walks of life. It is important to remember, it’s not just a surgery, it’s a life-changing procedure. As he continually applies his drive for innovation, passionate values and confidence, Hurwitz is helping redefine and produce the future of reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery.

This is the Tastes of Pittsburgh PEOPLE. It all started with a goal to shine light on the great people of Pittsburgh. Driven by authentic love and purpose, the inspiring legacy of Pittsburgh’s Dr. Dennis Hurwitz will continue to expand by innovating and educating for a brighter future in the world of plastic surgery and medical advancements.

Thank you, Dr. Hurwitz, for being an outstanding citizen and community leader for our beautiful city of Pittsburgh.


 Jessie Vilkofsky

Associate Editor
